We, as Idaho Republicans, expect all individuals in government at all levels, including elected officials, to conduct themselves within the highest and strictest standards of personal conduct in carrying out their duties. The people of Idaho demand leaders who will uphold their oath of office and the Constitution and are accountable to the people who elect them. In accordance with Article XIII of the Rules of the Idaho Republican Party, the State Chairman shall prepare and send to each Republican candidate for any federal office, statewide office, and any legislative office a request to sign and return the following statement within 30 days of mailing.

The Following 2024 General Election Candidates have NOT submitted a 2024 Integrity in Affiliation Form in accordance with party rules:

Jim Woodward – Dist. 1 State Senator
Mark Sauter – Dist. 1 State Representative
Jeff Cornilies – Dist. 12 State Representative
C. Scott Grow – Dist. 14 State Senator
Ted Hill – Dist. 14 State Representative
Codi Galloway – Dist. 15 State Senator
Annette Tipton – Dist. 15 State Representative
Dori Healy – Dist. 15 State Representative
Joe A. Palmer – Dist. 20 State Representative
James Petzke – Dist. 21 State Representative
Lori Den Hartog – Dist. 22 State Senator
John Vander Woude – Dist. 22 State Representative
Jason Monks – Dist. 22 State Representative
Todd Lakey – Dist. 23 State Senator
Shawn R. Dygert – Dist. 23 State Representative
Mike Pohanka – Dist. 26 State Representative
Jack Nelsen – Dist. 26 State Representative
Clay Handy – Dist. 27 State Representative
Jim Guthrie – Dist. 28 State Senator
Richard (Rick) Cheatum – Dist. 28 State Representative
Dustin W. Manwaring – Dist. 29 State Representative
Julie VanOrden – Dist. 30 State Senator
Ben G. Fuhriman – Dist. 30 State Representative
Van T. Burtenshaw – Dist. 31 State Senator
Kevin J. Cook – Dist. 32 State Senator
Stephanie Mickelsen – Dist. 32 State Representative
David Lent – Dist. 33 State Senator
Marco Erickson – Dist. 33 State Representative
Jon O. Weber – Dist. 34 State Representative
Britt Raybould – Dist. 34 State Representative
Joshua Wheeler – Dist. 35 State Representative

The Following 2024 General Election Candidates have submitted a 2024 Integrity in Affiliation Form:


“YES” or “YES, with exceptions” after a candidate’s name means he or she has submitted an Integrity in Affiliation form for 2024.

Clicking on a candidate’s name will show any listed exceptions. It will also show an image of the Integrity in Affiliation form if a physical form was submitted. No additional information is listed for candidates who submitted their forms digitally and included no exceptions.

If you are a candidate who has not yet submitted your Integrity in Affiliation form for 2024, please Click Here.

* = Integrity in Affiliation Form Received After 4/21/2024 Deadline.

Legislative Candidates

I strongly support the Idaho State Constitution, the U.S. Constitution and the Preamble of the Idaho Republican Party platform in total. I am committed to conservative values and to our Idaho way of life. I believe in:

  • limited government
  • taxes that are reasonable to pay for the needs of services demanded by our citizens
  • family values and that parents, not the State, have a sacred duty and legal right to raise their children how they see fit. The GOP platform is inconsistent here and seems to pick and choose when this fits
  • defending our 2nd amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution
  • fiscal responsibility but recognize that the legislature MUST pass a balanced budget every year. Just voting no on every budget does NOT make one a fiscally responsible legislator
  • I believe in prolife but with exemptions that currently exist in the law regarding rape, and incest, and for the health and the life of the mother
  • Individual freedoms
  • Local control
    While I support the majority of the platform of the Idaho Republican Party, I disagree with the following provisions:

Article 1: Section 3C – I do not support repealing the 17th Amendment. I believe Idahoans should have the right to elect their U.S. Senators.

Article 1: Section 4A: I do not support Idaho’s return to the Gold & Silver standard. This is impractical, and very expensive.

Article 1: Section 5D: This is impractical. If we stop all federal funds from coming into the state, we would have to raise taxes substantially to pick up the slack of required programs, particularly with Medicaid expansion voted on by Idahoans. Federal dollars are also the dollars of Idahoans and we should be able to utilize such for the benefit of Idahoans.

Article III, Section 3: I disagree that public tax dollars mandated by the Idaho Constitution should be diverted to pay for private schools. Sending public tax dollars to private schools is not fiscally responsible, particularly with NO OVERSIGHT OR ACCOUNTABILITY.

Section 12: The State Board members are selected to represent all regions of our State.

Article XIV: I am a proud prolife woman, but I believe that we need the exemptions that currently exist in the law regarding rape, and incest, and need to include for the health and the life of the mother.

Article 14 Section 3 Subsection D on abortion: I believe that all life is valuable and as such in case of the mother’s health that could lead to loss of life, the doctor and the mother need to make a tough decision. One life is no more or less valuable than another life.

Article I, Section 3, I would not support repealing the 17th Amendment. The people should elect our U.S. Senators.
Article IV, Section 3, I am in line with Idaho Chooses Life’s position. I am staunchly pro-life with very limited exceptions for the life of the mother, rape, and incest.

Article 1, Section 3, C: Repealing the 17th amendment.
I oppose suppressing the rights of voters to choose their representation in the US Senate.

Article 14, Section 3, A: Abortion.
I support the pro-life stance traditionally held by the Republican Party for decades prior to the recent changes made to the platform in 2020 regarding abortion.

Article 3, Section 4.
As a homeschool graduate of Idaho, I am a beneficiary of school choice and continue to support its implementation, both in and out of the public school system.
I do not support Education Savings Accounts as the method of reform for our public school funding formula. Our current funding formula is based on attendance, already putting our rural schools at a disadvantage, and the challenge of implementing such a reform would almost certainly not hold our rural schools harmless.
I support education tax credits and the use of 529 savings accounts as an alternative to expand school choice in Idaho.

Article XIV 3A.
I support Idaho’s current Abortion Trigger Law, the strictest abortion law in the country. Article XIV 3A of the Republican Party Platform is in conflict with the current Idaho Abortion Trigger Law.

I don’t support taking a firm stance on repealing the 17th Amendment. While there are valid arguments for and against it, corruption is prevalent at both the state and federal levels. Transferring this power from the people to equally corrupt elected state officials doesn’t provide a viable solution for electing congressmen.

I believe that INL should distance itself from the widespread adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles that permeate the organization.

I advocate for the total abolition of the Judicial Council, which allows lobbyists to choose judges instead of Idaho residents.

Article XIV 3A. I support Idaho’s current Abortion Trigger Law, the strictest abortion law in the country. Article XIV 3A of the Republican Party Platform is in conflict with the current Idaho Abortion Trigger Law.

We are Republicans who choose to affiliate with the Republican Party.  The enduring core values of the Party best represent our vision of America and our mission in Idaho. The Idaho Republican Party Platform spans over 30 pages, and the National Party Platform extends over 60 pages.  Given the extensive nature of both documents, it would be unreasonable for us to pledge strict allegiance to such an expansive and in-depth document.  Instead, we choose to attach our signature to the following Republican values:

• Limited government
• Low taxes
• Individual freedom
• Defending the 2nd amendment
• Family values
• Promoting free enterprise
• Fiscal responsibility
• Choice in education
• Affirming the right to life
• Transparency in government

We hold a profound love for our nation, a steadfast commitment to upholding our constitution, and an unwavering devotion to our families.  We acknowledge that the prosperity we enjoy today is a testament to the hard work and dedication of previous generations of Republicans.  We pledge to honor their legacy by carrying forward their ideals with integrity, passion, and pride.

Codi Galloway, Senate LD 15
Annette Tipton, House LD 15A
Representative Dori Healey, House  LD 15B

We are Republicans who choose to affiliate with the Republican Party.  The enduring core values of the Party best represent our vision of America and our mission in Idaho. The Idaho Republican Party Platform spans over 30 pages, and the National Party Platform extends over 60 pages.  Given the extensive nature of both documents, it would be unreasonable for us to pledge strict allegiance to such an expansive and in-depth document.  Instead, we choose to attach our signature to the following Republican values:

• Limited government
• Low taxes
• Individual freedom
• Defending the 2nd amendment
• Family values
• Promoting free enterprise
• Fiscal responsibility
• Choice in education
• Affirming the right to life
• Transparency in government

We hold a profound love for our nation, a steadfast commitment to upholding our constitution, and an unwavering devotion to our families.  We acknowledge that the prosperity we enjoy today is a testament to the hard work and dedication of previous generations of Republicans.  We pledge to honor their legacy by carrying forward their ideals with integrity, passion, and pride.

Codi Galloway, Senate LD 15
Annette Tipton, House LD 15A
Representative Dori Healey, House  LD 15B

We are Republicans who choose to affiliate with the Republican Party.  The enduring core values of the Party best represent our vision of America and our mission in Idaho. The Idaho Republican Party Platform spans over 30 pages, and the National Party Platform extends over 60 pages.  Given the extensive nature of both documents, it would be unreasonable for us to pledge strict allegiance to such an expansive and in-depth document.  Instead, we choose to attach our signature to the following Republican values:

• Limited government
• Low taxes
• Individual freedom
• Defending the 2nd amendment
• Family values
• Promoting free enterprise
• Fiscal responsibility
• Choice in education
• Affirming the right to life
• Transparency in government

We hold a profound love for our nation, a steadfast commitment to upholding our constitution, and an unwavering devotion to our families.  We acknowledge that the prosperity we enjoy today is a testament to the hard work and dedication of previous generations of Republicans.  We pledge to honor their legacy by carrying forward their ideals with integrity, passion, and pride.

Codi Galloway, Senate LD 15
Annette Tipton, House LD 15A
Representative Dori Healey, House  LD 15B

Article 1.2.I…I do not support repeal of the 16th amendment. Income taxes are a fundamental part of funding our national defense.

Article 1.3.C…I do not support repeal of the 17th amendment. Electing US senators by popular vote aligns with our founding principles of democratic process. 

Article 1.4.A…Reform is needed, but multiple periods of economic chaos have shown a need for a federal “lender of last resort”. Also, events post Bretton Woods show that a true gold standard is impractical and potentially destabilizing.

Article 14.3.A…I support the Idaho Chooses Life position.

Article I, Sections 2I, 3C, 4, and 5F

Article III, Section 3, sentence #2, Section 4, I’m not sure I agree with education spending accounts.

Article XIV, Section 3. I believe that there must be exemptions that currently exist in Idaho law regarding rape, incest, and the life of the mother…

Article 1.3.C Prefer not to repeal the 17th Amendment.

Article XIV.3.A I support the Idaho Chooses Life position.

Article I Section 2 (I): Is there a realistic alternative?
Article I Section 3 (A): Earmarks should be eliminated.
Article I Section 5 (E): I believe term limits could be useful under the right conditions.
Article II Section 3: A year is too long, need different criteria.
Article IX Section 3: I support abortion to save the life of the mother.

I have read the Idaho and US Constitutions and the Republican Party Platform and find the Preamble to be the most valuable portion of the Platform. It is succinct and direct, easy to understand and follow. I support the Idaho Republican Preamble and the 2022 Platform with the following exceptions and where it does not conflict with the Idaho and US Constitutions. With the listed exceptions, I agree with over 90% of the 2022 Idaho Republican Platform.

I also stipulate that since the Idaho Republican Party Platform may be amended, I reserve the right to make changes or additions to these provisions.

Article I Section 3. (C)
Provision: I oppose suppressing the rights of the voter to choose their representation to the US Senate.

Article I Section 4. (A)
A central bank is critical to stabilizing a country’s economy and protecting its currency against other world currencies. Returning to the gold standard would potentially subject the US financial system to manipulation by foreign powers who stockpile and control these resources. I don’t believe it makes sense for Idaho to store, insure, and guard these reserves.

Article I Section 5. (D)
The 10th Amendment to the US Constitution states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” To assume we can nullify/ignore the Supreme Court is in direct violation to the Idaho and US Constitutions.

Article III Section 10.
I would add to that section- with the collaboration of the local school boards—who are elected.

Article XIV Section 2. (B)
The elimination of marriage licenses would be a legal nightmare for Idahoans in cases of divorce. Many religious marriage ceremonies require a legal state issued marriage license.

Article XIV Section 3. (A)
I would remove this section

Article XIV Section 3. (D)
I would add “except for the health of the mother and in certain instances of rape and incest, as decided by patient and doctor.” I would also protect access to all forms of contraception and IVF

I support the direct election by Idaho voters of our United States Senators for Idaho and trust the Idaho people to make that decision at the polls.

I am Pro-Life and I believe in the sanctity of human life. Therefore, I oppose elective abortion for personal or social convenience; no government funds or law should allow for such abortions. In certain circumstances, abortion should be available when pregnancy results from rape or incest, or a competent physician determines that the life or health of the mother is in serious jeopardy, or a competent physician determines that the fetus has severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth.
Even these exceptions do not automatically justify abortion. I believe abortion is a most serious matter for an individual and society and any such exception should only be considered after the person(s) responsible have received confirmation through prayer.

Article I Sec. 4A I do not support returning to the gold standard.

Article XIV Sec. 3A I support current law regarding abortion.

Article 14, Section 3, A: Abortion.
I believe life begins at conception and support the pro-life stance traditionally held by the Republican Party for years prior to the recent changes made to the platform after the 2022 Republican Convention regarding abortion in Article 14, Section 3.

Article 3, Section 3 and 4, It is against the Idaho State Constitution, which I will staunchly defend, and not conservative policy to divert public tax dollars to private schools. It also lacks the accountability that must be present when the government is redistributing our tax dollars to both public and private organizations.

Article 1, Section 4. Sound Currency
A central bank is critical to stabilizing a country’s economy and protecting the value and stability of its currency against other currencies. A return to the gold standard would potentially subject the US dollar and economy to control by foreign adversaries who stockpile and control these resources, while potentially limiting the future growth of the U.S. economy.

Article 1, Section 3. C. I don’t support the repeal of the 17th Amendment of the US Constitution. The people of Idaho should have the right to elect Idaho’s US Senate seats. This goes in stark contrast to the principle that the Republican Party has always followed which is that the voter should choose their leaders. This is why we are a Republic.

Article 1, Section 2, I .I do not support the repeal of the 16th Amendment, because we need an ongoing source of revenue to provide for the National Defense.

Article 1, Section 5, F Reapportionment should continue to use the current method. It is a state function, allowing the parties to control would only lead to disputes and legal haggling.

Article 2, Section 3 I do not support the one year restriction, because we are having a significant in-migration of conservative voters and they will want to vote.

Article 14, Section 2 The elimination of marriage licenses would be a legal nightmare for Idahoans in cases of divorce. Many religious marriage ceremonies require a legal state issued marriage license.

With the exceptions listed above, I agree and support the tenets of the Idaho Republican Party Platform as I currently interpret it. As an Idaho Representative, I reserve the right to interpret the Platform as I see fit and will be foremost guided by the inalienable rights outlined in our founding documents, the U.S. and Idaho Constitution, the will of my constituents, my conscience, and then the Republican party platform.

*Before any officeholder is judged by the Platform, it would be beneficial to rank Platform Planks in order of Importance since quite often legislation pits one plank of the platform against others.

Article 1 Sections 2 I; I do not believe that the 16th and 17th amendments to the US Constitution should be repealed. 4A; I do not believe that the US dollar could possibly be backed by gold and silver in this day and age. 5D; I do not believe that federal laws can be nullified. 5F; I do not believe that the Idaho Constitution should be thus amended.

Article II Section 3; needs clarification. Does this refer to electors or candidates?

Article III Section 3; I believe that public dollars should follow students in the public education system as per the Idaho Constitution. I believe private dollars should follow the student to private schools if that is the parents’ choice. Section 12; Idaho made a step in the right direction in the 2024 session by making SBOE appointments regional.

Article X; Idaho is not prepared to administer ALL Federal lands. Some lands will never be managed by the state, i.e. lands that operate under Department of Energy (INL). H468 (2024) gives public land grazers the ability to work with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture in co-managing range improvement projects on public lands. Another step in the right direction.

Article XIV Section 2B; the elimination of marriage licenses would be a legal nightmare for Idahoans in cases of divorce. Many religious marriage ceremonies require a legal state issued marriage license.


Article 1 Sections 2 I; I do not believe that the 16th and 17th amendments to the US Constitution should be repealed. 4A; I do not believe that the US dollar could possibly be backed by gold and silver in this day and age. 5D; I do not believe that federal laws can be nullified. 5F; I do not believe that the Idaho Constitution should be thus amended.

Article II Section 3; needs clarification. Does this refer to electors or candidates?

Article III Section 3; I believe that public dollars should follow students in the public education system as per the Idaho Constitution. I believe private dollars should follow the student to private schools if that is the parents’ choice. Section 12; Idaho made a step in the right direction in the 2024 session by making SBOE appointments regional.

Article X; Idaho is not prepared to administer ALL Federal lands. Some lands will never be managed by the state, i.e. lands that operate under Department of Energy (INL). H468 (2024) gives public land grazers the ability to work with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture in co-managing range improvement projects on public lands. Another step in the right direction.

Article XIV Section 2B; the elimination of marriage licenses would be a legal nightmare for Idahoans in cases of divorce. Many religious marriage ceremonies require a legal state issued marriage license.

Article 14, Section 3. I support current state law on abortion

I appreciate the opportunity to respond to the Integrity of Affiliation.  I spent HOURS reviewing our platform and thus decided to outline some of my thoughts.  This was a great exercise for me to really look more deeply into the platform.  My thoughts include things on which I agree so a thorough reading of my responses will be required.  But again, this was a great opportunity to for me to review the points contained within.  I have broken my responses into the Platform categories. 

Also, just to be clear, the manner in which I try to prioritize the principles which guide me are listed below.  I’m sure I fail miserably, but I do try:

           The Lord’s Law

           The Constitution of the United States – I pledge to do this!

           The Constitution of the State of Idaho – I pledge to do this!

           Republican platform

But the first thing I’d like to share are the reasons that I have personally pointed out on radio ads as to WHY I am Republican.    

I am a Republican because we:

  • Believe in and acknowledge God as the Creator of this world and the Father of us, His children.
  • Believe in the family unit as the base unit and the most important unit of government.
  • Believe in the Constitution of the United States.
  • Believe in the sanctity of life.
  • Believe that our rights come from our God and not from man – when our rights come from the Lord, they are inalienable and do not change.  When they come from man, they are negotiable and often are lost.
  • Believe in the 1st amendment – the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to peacefully assemble, freedom of the press, freedom of expression, freedom to redress their government, and more.
  • Believe in the 2nd amendment; the right to bear arms.
  • Believe in limited government.
  • Believe in American exceptionalism.
  • Believe in the rule of law and not anarchy.
  • Believe in the ingenuity and genius of man – that is unleashed when the shackles of government are dropped. 
  • I am a Republican for these and so many other reasons.  


  • We believe the most effective, reasonable, responsive government is government closet to the people, and the sovereignty of the state must be protected.  That government which is best that governs least. 

This “we believe” needs clarification.  Colleagues continue to misunderstand this in purporting to advocate for the city or local governments being preeminent.  This is not the intent of our founders.  The people created the State, the State created the Federal Government, and the State created the counties and cities.  It’s about the “state.”  I believe this should be clarified. 

  • We believe Idahoans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to promote peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world. 

I actually believe and adhere to the Monroe Doctrine – friendly with all, entangling alliances with none.  America is involved in too many foreign affairs.  We are not the world’s police, but we are being used as such.  We have bankrolled too many nations and in doing so, we are bankrupting ourselves.  I agree with Ron Paul on most things.  He said we shouldn’t send any money to any country.  I thought, well what about Israel?  He then responded, if America didn’t fund Israel’s enemy’s, we wouldn’t have to send Israel any money.  Interesting concept indeed.  I still believe we should stand with Israel, but we cannot continue to be involved in the world’s affairs. 

Article I.  Responsibility in Government

Section 1.  Fiscal Responsibility

  • D.  We believe the unnecessary growth of government has a negative impact on both the conduct of business and our individual lives.  We endorse the review of all government programs and encourage their assumption by private enterprise or local government where appropriate and workable.  Programs which are not cost effective or have outlives their usefulness should be terminated.

Once again, the nod to local government is made, thus creating the impression that the power Constitutionally rests in “local government” as in cities.  This is not the case and is confusing.  Also, at this point, I believe the state has proven to be a much better defender of our monies than most local governments. 

Section 3.  Reform of Congress

Section 4. Sound Currency

  • I have twice brought legislation to address storing gold & silver in through the Treasurer and the idle monies.  This year, though it passed the Senate strongly, it barely passed the House, leading to the Governor’s veto.

Section 5.  State Legislature

  • C.  We support reduction of Idaho’s income tax rates and encourage a reduction in property taxes whenever possible.

Property Tax – This does NOT go far enough.  I support the complete and total abolishment of the property taxes, at least for the person’s main residence.  Property taxes are the most egregious tax there is.  As Glenn Beck says, we should listen to what “they” say.  If the World Economic Forum is to be believed, we will own nothing and be happy.  How do you own nothing?  Property tax!  I will reveal plans on this as things move along.

  • F.  I’m not sure how I feel about this.  I have been voicing my concerns that the Legislative body needs to take back it’s power and oversee redistricting – though there is some question as to whether our State Constitution gave us that authority.  Short of that, this should be fine

Section 6. Honest Elections and the Electoral College

Article II.  Citizen Involvement in Government

Article III.  Education

  • B. Religious Freedom in Public Schools – I certainly did my part to strengthen this and return our religious liberties in our schools in 2023 with my “Coach Kennedy’s Law, HB182” patterned after the Supreme Court Ruling in 2022 which ended the “Lemon Test,” an unlawful suppression of our religious freedoms.  Now the ability to pray in school, by either a student or a teacher, is allowed!!!
  • Section 4.  Without going through the entire paragraph, I would remove the word “equitable” and replace it with something else.  Currently, equity equals Marxism.  

Article IV.  Agriculture

Article V.  Water

Article VI.  Natural Resources and Environment

  • The ESG legislation on which I have worked (as well as the great coalition we formed), since first bringing Glenn Beck to Idaho during the 2022 session, has done a ton to address and protect many of the issues in this section. 

Article VII.  Energy

  • The above ESG legislation also helped tons in protecting Idaho’s energy resources.

Article VIII.  Idaho National Laboratories

Article IX.  Private Property Rights

  • Again, we need to abolish the egregious property tax!

Article X.  State and Federal Lands

Article XI.  Wildlife Management

  • Section 3:  We oppose the reintroduction of wolves and grizzlies into Idaho.  We support managed control of these predators through the Idaho Fish and Game Department. 

I actually do not support the wolves being in Idaho at all.  It’s time that we called to have the complete and total abolishment of this predatory animal that hunts and kills for the fun of it.  The wolves are populating at a rate that far exceeds that which we were told would happen.  Now landowners can’t even access all of their land for fear that a wolf may be around. 

Article XII.  Economy

  • ESG once again would apply to parts of this section. 

Article XIII.  Health and Welfare

  • Section 3.  General Principles for Health Care
  • D.  We support as supreme the authority of parents in all medical decisions for their children, including providers and treatments. 

I spent the past year successfully working on a Medical Parental Bill of Rights, SB1329, with Alliance Defending Freedom.  This returns all power to the parents, both physical and mental health.  This includes doctors, health care providers, psychologists and school councilors who might want to transition our kids.  Except now they can’t.  Parents now have control of their children until they turn 18 years old.

Article XIV.  American Family

  • Section 1:  Governments Role
  • Section 2:  Traditional Marriage
  • Section 3:  Right to Life
  • My stance on abortion has not changed.   I support life.  I also support our law which allows for the life of the mother (of course, this is not in question as all life is important), and rape & incest.  I support the exceptions of rape and incest for two reasons:
  • Those who experience rape and incest are also victims.  I believe that possibly requiring a 16- or 17-year-old child and an adult might be permissible because they are in a better position age wise to be able to handle the carrying of a child if they have been raped.  But if the victims are minors under the age of 16, I do not believe it is the government’s decision to force a child to carry a child.  This must be a decision that a family comes to.  I do not believe that the government should force this on someone. 
  • I believe that Idaho is in a very delicate position.  Every state that has put this issue on the ballot has lost.  Idaho needs to solidify this stance and continue to gain the trust of all Idahoans and answer the questions that the “left” and Planned Parenthood have created in claiming that somehow, we are jeopardizing the life of the mothers.  We are not.  We need to help show that Idaho’s prolife laws do NOT put the health of the mother in jeopardy.  Our law will work for families, mothers and babies. 

D. See above

Article XV.  Older Americans

Article XVI.  Law and Order With Justice

  • Section I:  Gun Rights

D.  I supported this with my ESG legislation, SB1291. 

  • Section 5: Juvenile Justice

This section seems to be in direct conflict with the GOP position on fentanyl during the 2024 legislative session. 

Article XVII.  National Defense

  • Section 6:  Command of Forces

We believe American combat troops should not be used as “world policemen.”  UN combat operations should be supported by a multi-national coalition, and when U.S. forces are committed in UN combat operations, the United States should retain ultimate command of its forces. 

I completely agree and this seems to contradict my understanding of that which is mentioned in the Preamble and which I had responded that I disagreed with.  But I agree with this section so maybe the preamble needs some clarification. 

Article XVIII. Election of Judges and Idaho Supreme Court Justices

Article XIX.  Religious Liberty

Article XX.  Inquisition

  • I have no idea where this is located.  I cannot find it.  But having experienced it, I will say this, the manner in which it was administered was completely and wholly unfair.  I believe that there should be some means by which the GOP can hold people appropriately accountable.  But it must be fair and it must be consistent.  The manner in which this was administered was not fair nor was it consistent.  This process certainly needs to be cleaned up.  But, should it be determined that it needs administered, then it needs to be administered by the SAME people!  Thus, it would need to be administered by the State GOP.  Either we all need to be held to the same standard or don’t hold anyone to any standard, especially where so much rests on the subjective interpretation of those who decide to pursue or not pursue elected officials.

Requiring the administering of the State GOP would also eliminate situations that occurred in District 33 where on January 12, 2024, they tried to quickly meet before the regularly scheduled Bonneville County Republican Central Committee meeting.  Only 8 (9) out of 20 Precinct officers showed up.   There was no thorough review of any findings such as had taken place in District 32.  It was a hallway yes or no kind of vote.  There wasn’t even a quorum of the district to be able to hold such a meeting.  This was completely wrong, and I ask that this be rectified should the process be retained moving forward.  The State GOP must do this for it to be fair. 

Article I Section 3 subsection C.  Repeal of the 17th Amendment.
               Section 4 subsection A. Gold standard.
Article II  Section 3 One year provision before one can vote in the Republican Primary.
Article XVI Section 3  subsection  A. Abortion. Exclusion of the rape and incest
                                     Subsection D. All Abortion.  Excludes the life of the Mother.
Article XX  The whole thing is unnecessary.

I believe that there are limited exceptions for abortion such as life of the mother, incest, and rape.

Federal Candidates

I strongly support the Idaho State Constitution and the Preamble of the Idaho Republican Party. It’s a privilege to diligently serve Idaho as a member of the United States Congress, and I take this honor to heart every day. I’m a proven conservative and proud of my consistent “A” rating with the NRA and 100% rating with the National Right to Life Committee. I’m dedicated to ensuring our conservative values and western way of life are fully represented in Congress. In the last year alone, I’ve voted to secure our Southern Border, authored billions of dollars in cuts to the EPA, and fought against Biden’s radical environmental agenda.

I’ve used my congressional seniority to be a fierce champion for Idahoans. I’ve fought against Biden’s extreme policies and attempts to take away our freedoms, and I’ve blocked Biden from taking away our hard-earned money through endless tax hikes including stopping Democrat attempts to pass a death tax that would make it impossible for families to pass their farms to the next generation. I proudly co-sponsored the Balanced Budget Amendment to stop the liberal Democrats insane spending and get our national debt under control. I voted for President Trump’s agenda in Congress 94% of the time and was a proud supporter of the largest tax decrease in US History put forward under President Trump’s leadership.

Securing our borders is a critical issue facing our nation today. The Biden administration’s disastrous immigration policies have allowed millions of people to illegally cross our border. I’m fighting to build the wall, add more border patrol agents, and stop Biden’s open border policies. I’ve co-sponsored legislation to give law enforcement officers power to detain criminals who are also illegal immigrants, prohibit states from issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, expedite and fund the construction of a fence along our southern border, and prohibit access to Social Security by illegal immigrants. I proudly supported H.R. 2 – the most comprehensive border security legislation in recent memory.

While I support the vast majority of the platform of the Idaho Republican Party, the short policy statements it contains cannot possibly accommodate the nuance that is inherent in the legislative process. I’m happy to disclose that I disagree the following provisions:
• Article 1: Section 3C – I don’t support repeal of the 17th Amendment. I believe Idahoans should have the right to elect their United States Senators in lawful State elections.
• Article 1: Section 4A: I don’t support a return to the Gold & Silver standard. I do, however, support auditing the Federal Reserve.
• Article XIV, Section 3A: I support the position of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) on abortion issues. I have a 100% voting record with NRLC and an A+ rating from the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life group that opposes abortion.

I appreciate the right of primary voters to know where candidates stand. I encourage Republicans to call my campaign office or visit www.simpsonforcongress.com if they have questions about my stance on any issue.

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