Biography and Background

Steve has deep roots in Idaho reaching back to the late 1850s when his great-great-
grandfather George Abbott and his brother Jack traveled through the Camas Prairie on
the way from Oregon to Washington DC. Family lore is that he never forgot that
beautiful valley and returned with his wife and 3 children on July 17, 1888. Steve
believes in Idaho values and the heritage passed down from the settlers who had the
dreams, vision and grit to settle and thrive in the Idaho territory. He believes as
Idahoans we have a responsibility to protect and pass those values and traditions on to
our children and grandchildren.
Steve is a graduate of the University of Idaho with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural
Engineering and has been blessed with 3 children: Nancy, James and Andrew.
Steve and his son James manage the farm operations of their family farm and ranch on
the Camas Prairie.
Steve has a history of voluntary service to his community and to the State.
– 17 years County Planning and Zoning
– 6 years Camas County Commissioner
– Elected Camas Soil & Water Conservation Supervisor and serving as State
Association President and National Association Secretary-Treasurer.
– 16 years marketing wholesale/retail organic grain products in the Northwest.
– 12 years running trucks transporting those products in the Northwest
– President of the Twin Lakes Reservoir Company
– President of the Blaine-Camas County Farm Bureau
– 6 years as a member of the Idaho House of Representatives

Top 3 Issues

Issue 1

Limited Federal Overreach The greatest danger to Idaho’s economy and our individual freedom is overreach of the federal government under the current administration. Steve will work to exert Idaho’s Sovereign right and responsibility to protect the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness of Idahoans.

Issue 2

Idaho’s Water and Economy Idaho’s water and economy are interlocked not only by agriculture and industry but with the impact of our exploding population growth. We must not only protect water supplies and water use but we must continue aquifer recharge, expand storage and make some tough decisions about domestic well applications and use. Another potentially disastrous challenge is Canadian Columbia Treaty that expires in 2025. We must plan not just for the next 10 years but the next 50 and 100 years.

Issue 3

Education Article 9 of the Idaho Constitution states, “The stability of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people, it shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.” We need to rethink how we do education. More local control is imperative. No one knows more about the local school than they do. School choice is the parent’s right. In addition, School Boards, Superintendents and Teachers have untenable regulatory and administrative requirements placed on them. Our diverse population and wide-ranging job market is not satisfied by a one-size-fits- all system. Our kids deserve the best opportunity to be successful in their lives, education, in the workforce, in personal finances and as citizens “…of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people…”.

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