Biography and Background

Stephanie Mickelsen was born in Idaho Falls and graduated from Blackfoot High School. She has farmed for 34 years with her husband, Mark. They own with their partners: Mickelsen Farms, LLC, Yellowstone Seed, LLC, Rigby Produce, Inc., and Potato Products of Idaho. She is Chief Financial Officer for Mickelsen Farms, LLC. Stephanie graduated with an Associates of Arts and Science in Economics from BYU-Idaho.
Stephanie currently serves as: State Director with the Idaho Farm Insurance and Idaho Farm Bureau; Co-Chair of the Idaho Groundwater Users; President of the Bonneville Groundwater District; Treasurer for Groundwater District 120; Vice-Chair Board of Trustees for the College of Eastern Idaho; Chair of the American Farm Bureau Labor Committee; and Director on the Board of Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center.
Stephanie has had numerous opportunities to communicate about agriculture. These include:
• Panelist/Presenter at the Land O’Lakes “Food Effect” SXSW Conference Austin, Texas in March 2018
• Panelist at Winfield United Grower Convention in January 2018
• Panelist/Presenter for BASF in Raliegh NC 2019
• Panelist/Presenter for Rabo Bank 2019
• Bonneville Historical Society Presenter on “Agriculture through the Years in Bonneville County”
• Farm Credit Services Nomination Committee for Board of Directors
• Testified in front of Idaho House and Senate Ag Committees on various agricultural, labor, and tax issues
• Multiple interviews with local news organizations (tv and newspaper) on agricultural and labor issues

Stephanie learned early on that being involved in your community was necessary in their farming business. Stephanie and her husband Mark have 4 children and 12 grandchildren (all under the age of 5.)

Top 3 Issues

Issue 1

Responsible Growth: Growth cannot be ignored; the future of our area is dependent upon quality leadership and vision. We have the opportunity, through careful and clear minded planning to protect limited resources while promoting business friendly policy. · Private property rights reign supreme · Protect limited resources to ensure the future for agriculture, recreation, businesses and cities · State and Federal mandates are harmful to local control and best outcomes · Affordable housing should be encouraged through incentives to private business not by government mandate · Vision for Future Growth that includes Appropriate Infrastructure

Issue 2

Education Properly Funded: Idaho has done a great job in efficiently utilizing our education dollars. Recent years have exposed the cracks in the delivery of education in our state. The demands of industry have changed but schools have failed to adapt. Businesses are looking at skill proficiency rather than degrees. Our education system must offer diverse opportunities to Idaho students. This is a challenge that we must meet. · “Go-on” program in Idaho needs to help students better meet the demands of the future · Mission of the community colleges are critical to Idaho’s future · Rethink the delivery of education to meet the changing needs of the Idaho job market · Educational decisions are best made at the local level – Limit State and Federal Government Mandates.

Issue 3

Fiscal Responsibility: Idahoans expect the most efficient use of their tax dollars. I am a committed fiscal conservative and am of the belief that taxpayer funds should be treated with incredible care and respect. The future of Idaho will require trusted and experienced leadership. · Create a competitive tax structure that supports long term Idaho vision · Property taxes equitable and fair · Idaho’s general fund has doubled in the last 10 years from 2.2 billion to 4.4 billion. We need to make good investments for Idaho’s future with this money.

Integrity in Affiliation

Submission: Yes
“I have read the Idaho Constitution and the Idaho Republican Party Platform. Except for the provisions specifically noted below, I support the Idaho Republican Party Platform and accept it as the standard by which my performance as a candidate and as an officeholder should be evaluated. I certify that I am not a candidate, officer, delegate or position holder in any party other than the Republican Party.”
I don’t support Article I sec 4 on the federal reserve and currency.

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