Biography and Background

After graduating from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1998, I served in both domestic and overseas assignments. I met my wife while stationed in Europe, and we now have 4 children. I am currently working in fire protection engineering and live in Ada County.

Top 3 Issues

Issue 1

Cut Wasteful Spending: We need to cut administrative bloat and return the College to its core mission of educating Idaho students.

Issue 2

Lower Property Taxes: As an independent taxing district, CWI can raise or lower your property taxes. I will lower them!

Issue 3

Career-Ready Technical Education: A 4-year degree is not always the best choice, so we need to promote ALL educational options.

Integrity in Affiliation

Submission: Yes
“I have read the Idaho Constitution and the Idaho Republican Party Platform. I support the Idaho Republican Platform and accept it as the standard by which my performance as a candidate and as an officeholder should be evaluated. I certify that I am not a candidate, officer, delegate or position holder in any party other than the Republican Party.”

Join the Party

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