Biography and Background

Raúl Labrador was raised in a single parent home. Even though they struggled financially, his mother taught him the value of a good education and she worked hard to make sure he had opportunities she never had.
With the mentorship of great leaders, he became an Eagle Scout and worked countless jobs – from delivering newspapers, to working in restaurants, and even teaching Spanish to missionaries – to earn a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University and a law degree from the University of Washington.
After law school, he interned for the Criminal Division of a United States Attorney’s office and served as a Law Clerk for the United States Court for the District of Idaho.
Raúl then built a successful small business and was the owner and managing partner of a law firm with offices in Boise and Nampa.
Raúl ran for the State Legislature and was elected twice. Serving in the Legislature he became a powerful advocate for liberty and for protecting taxpayers, helping defeat tax increases which would have harmed Idaho’s economy.
Raúl was elected to serve the people of Idaho in Congress four times by the citizens of Idaho who were seeking a strong voice for our state.

In Congress, Labrador was joined by President Trump in pushing an immigration enforcement bill that would have added more than 10,000 additional armed federal immigration officers, penalized sanctuary cities, allowed local police to assist in federal immigration enforcement, and imposed new criminal penalties for immigration violators.

Labrador also supported legislation targeting gang members, and backed federal constitutional carry provisions and legislation to protect our 2nd Amendment rights. Labrador promoted efforts to get justice for victims of human trafficking and to help target the perpetrators.

Raúl kept his promises to his constituents. He earned a nearly 96% conservative rating from the American Conservative Union, multiple 100% Family Research Council and National Right to Life scores, A ratings from the NRA, and a 100% rating from the Gun Owners of America and the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and was named a Guardian of Small Business by the nation’s largest small business organization, NFIB.
Raúl was one of 9 founding members of the House Freedom Caucus, along with conservative leaders like Ron DeSantis, Jim Jordan, and Mark Meadows.

A family man, Raúl lives in Eagle, Idaho with his wife Rebecca. They are the proud parents to five children and have two grandchildren.

Top 3 Issues

Issue 1

As your next Attorney General I will be the aggressive, relentless leader that Idaho needs. I will defend Idaho’s sovereignty and fight unconstitutional mandates. I will keep our elections fair and honest. I will defend and expand our 2A rights. I will ensure we are the most pro-life state in the Union. I will fight to reinstate President Trump’s border security policies. I will fight the radicals that are trying to force CRT and transgender ideology on our children. And I will fight Big Tech’s social credit scores and their anti-conservative and anti-American censorship. Idaho needs an Attorney General who will be the people’s lawyer, rather than a tool for the bureaucracy and special interests. I will defend every Idahoan’s individual liberties; fight back against the Biden administration’s failed policies; and ensure the people of Idaho have a voice in the Attorney General’s office. I will bring needed reforms to the office. Idaho’s incumbent Attorney General has been in office for twenty-years. He’s been employed by the government for over thirty-years. No wonder he sees his job as defending the government and the bureaucracy, not you. I will change that starting day one.

Issue 2

Idaho needs an Attorney General who understands that government exists to ensure that the rights of the citizens are secured and protected. During the pandemic, I fought for the rights of Idahoans to keep their jobs and pursue their livelihoods, to meet with their families, and to continue practicing their religion freely. I fought for Idahoans’ medical freedom and against unconstitutional mandates. I will continue to do so as Idaho’s next Attorney General. In contrast, during the pandemic, the current Attorney General interpreted Idaho’s statutes as granting the chief executive the power to declare a state of emergency for over 750 days despite Idaho law limiting emergency authority to sixty days. That decision closed schools in Idaho, closed businesses and churches, and it affected every single person in Idaho dramatically. It was wrong and will not happen again if I am your Attorney General.

Issue 3

The great battles for the soul of our nation are taking place in our courthouses. All across America, strong Republican Attorneys General are pushing back against the Radical Left and their agenda to “fundamentally transform” our nation. Except in Idaho, where our Attorney General is absent from these fights. The incumbent Attorney General of Idaho did not fight for election integrity and instead stood with radical Democrat lawyers. The incumbent Attorney General did not defend Idaho’s pro-girl sports bill, instead saying that biological men had a constitutional right to compete on girls’ sports teams and use women’s locker rooms. Also, the incumbent Attorney General joined with Democrats to support some of Biden’s radical nominees to run the Department of Justice. Finally, he failed to join the lawsuit filed by the other Republican Attorneys General demanding the Biden DOJ either explain or rescind their memo asking to surveil parents for expressing their opinions at school board meetings and other forums. Maybe this is why he has received donations from former Democrat Attorneys General and the praise of the radical Attorney General from the State of Washington.

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