State Representative Legislative District 8 Seat B
Biography and Background
I grew up in Nampa, graduated with a degree in Economics from the University of Idaho, where I met my husband, and moved to the Hammett valley where we have lived and farmed for over 20 years. As a conservative Republican, I have been involved with the party since I was a teenager in Canyon County. Over the years, I have served the Idaho Republican Party as Precinct Committee Person, State Committee Woman, and Chairman of the Elmore County Central Committee and currently serve as the House Majority Caucus Chair.
Top 3 Issues
Issue 1
Limiting Government Intrusion on All Levels
Issue 2
Promoting Pro-Life and Family Values
Issue 3
Keeping Property Taxes Low
Integrity in Affiliation
Submission: Yes
“I have read the Idaho Constitution and the Idaho Republican Party Platform. I support the Idaho Republican Platform and accept it as the standard by which my performance as a candidate and as an officeholder should be evaluated. I certify that I am not a candidate, officer, delegate or position holder in any party other than the Republican Party.”