Biography and Background
I have a very diverse background, including careers in education, business, and agriculture.
I have lived in District 6, for over 50 years, being a graduate of Lewiston High School and of the University of Idaho with a B.S. in Education, along with working on a master’s degree. I am a wife, mother, and grandmother of 11, who has served as program coordinator and professor in the Paralegal and Legal Assisting programs at Lewis Clark State College for over 15 years. For the past 45+ years, I have worked alongside my husband to manage his law practice, our family corporation (consisting of a cattle ranch, timber, and commercial real estate development), and our personal partnership in residential and commercial rentals. I am a past member of the Tammany School Board, a past president of the Idaho Association for Legal Professionals, past president of the LCSC Foundation Board, a Board Member of the Idaho Community Foundation, a non-profit board, a Board and Exec. Board Member of (IBE) the Idaho Business for Education organization, serve on the University of Idaho Extension Office Advisory Board, have served as secretary and current precinct captain of precinct 19, of the NPC Republican Central Committee, and have served in the Idaho House of Representatives serving District 6, since my appointment in 2021.
Having various experiences in the teaching field, running several small businesses, including a working cattle ranch, and currently serving as a member of the Idaho House of Representatives, make me uniquely qualified for this office.
Top 3 Issues
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Integrity in Affiliation
limited government
taxes that are reasonable to pay for the needs of services demanded by our citizens
family values and that parents, not the State, have a sacred duty and legal right to raise their children how they see fit. The GOP platform is inconsistent here and seems to pick and choose when this fits
defending our 2nd amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution
fiscal responsibility but recognize that the legislature MUST pass a balanced budget every year. Just voting no on every budget does NOT make one a fiscally responsible legislator
I believe in prolife but with exemptions that currently exist in the law regarding rape, and incest, and for the health and the life of the mother
Individual freedoms
Local control
While I support the majority of the platform of the Idaho Republican Party, I disagree with the following provisions:
Article 1: Section 3C – I do not support repealing the 17th Amendment. I believe Idahoans should have the right to elect their U.S. Senators.
Article 1: Section 4A: I do not support Idaho’s return to the Gold & Silver standard. This is impractical, and very expensive.
Article 1: Section 5D: This is impractical. If we stop all federal funds from coming into the state, we would have to raise taxes substantially to pick up the slack of required programs, particularly with Medicaid expansion voted on by Idahoans. Federal dollars are also the dollars of Idahoans and we should be able to utilize such for the benefit of Idahoans.
Article III, Section 3: I disagree that public tax dollars mandated by the Idaho Constitution should be diverted to pay for private schools. Sending public tax dollars to private schools is not fiscally responsible, particularly with NO OVERSIGHT OR ACCOUNTABILITY.
Section 12: The State Board members are selected to represent all regions of our State.
Article XIV: I am a proud prolife woman, but I believe that we need the exemptions that currently exist in the law regarding rape, and incest, and need to include for the health and the life of the mother.