Biography and Background

I was born and raised in Nampa, Idaho and attended both NNC (now NNU) as well as Boise State University, graduating with a degree in Health and a minor in Biology. My husband and I raised all five of our kids on a small dairy farm in Caldwell. The ability to work together as a family was invaluable and created lifetime memories for all of us. Dale and I, as well as each one of our children, understand the value of hard work, spending less than you make, treating others with respect and the value of integrity.
With a love for learning and a desire to serve, I ran for and won the Primary in 2018. I was sworn in for my first term of office in January 2019. I am a leader who understands that freedom is not free and that principles come at a price. I have spent the last five years standing up for the taxpayer and against poor policy and business practices. Knowing this would be a challenging but rewarding position, I enrolled in a certification program for Conflict Management and Negotiation at Boise State. We The People need good leaders who stand strong in the storm and are motivated by good government. I have grown personally, professionally and spiritually while serving in this capacity. I aspire to make a positive difference that leaves a legacy of thoughtful planning, good policy and servant leadership that will carry the County, and our Country well into the future.

Top 3 Issues

Issue 1

The value of keeping a respectful and functional leadership team intact cannot be overstated. The Commissioners’ Office has struggled historically to achieve a collegial and respectful work environment. This Board is collaborative and works well together; we understand our duties by statute. Because of the unique leadership structure, civility and the ability to disagree without being disagreeable, particularly when multiple options are being considered, is critical. The vastness of this role will require an insatiable love for learning and is the perfect position for full-time workaholics. It is for the love of good government and excellence in service that I ran for this office. Being in this role for the right reasons and retaining good Commissioners should be a top priority for citizens. Re-election of incumbents will allow good business to move forward. That’s a win for all of Canyon County.

Issue 2

Budgeting: it is imperative that sound fiscal practices are implemented given the heavy reliance on fund balance during FY23. There are critical needs for law enforcement, elections, capital projects and demand for services that will need careful evaluation. Having people in office that have experience with governmental fund accounting who understand the on-going needs of each office and department balanced against the request for property taxes is essential. Requiring justification for expenses with appropriate documentation, saying no to unplanned expenses, including requests for mid-year pay increases, and thoroughly vetting the budget in tandem with Clerk Hogaboam is the taxpayer’s best frontline defense.

Issue 3

The 2030 Comprehensive Plan was passed in the fall of 2022 with many areas that are unclear or undefined. Working with all cities in the County and building partnerships so that city and county plans do not conflict is very important for the future of the County. Continued support for our Development Services Department in long-range planning and the establishment of consistent standards for defensible decisions on land use cases will be a priority. The balance between ag preservation and private property rights and where growth and development should/should not occur will be a priority.

Integrity in Affiliation

Submission: No
This candidate has not submitted an Integrity in Affiliation form for this election cycle.

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