Biography and Background

My wife, Tina, and I live on the western slope of the lower Salmon River, south of Grangeville ID.

I am a born-again Christian and an honorably discharged Veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Navy.

I hold an Associate degree in Administration of Justice and a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration with a Minor in Collective Bargaining.

My work experience includes Critical care nurse, Histology technician, and State peace officer (honorably retired after 20+ years). My additional work experience includes being an EMT for a private ambulance company, a Violent Crime Victim advocate, a grant manager, and a Code Enforcement Officer (enforcing County Marijuana cultivation laws).

Tina and I have also established 2 SAFE FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN ministries.

Most recently, I’ve been serving as a Trustee on my local School Board and the Idaho County Republican Central Committee.

Top 3 Issues

Issue 1

The State of Idaho currently has 180 departments and agencies. 180! any of these departments are appropriate and necessary for the State to meet its obligations to the citizens of Idaho. But some State agencies or departments I seriously doubt the need for. For example, in this age of the internet and finger-tip access to everything media and information wise, why does Idaho need its own public TV agency? According to the Idaho Legislative Services Office Idaho, the appropriation for PTV for 2022 was $2,719,200. Which was up from the 2021 $2,446,714 appropriation. Wow! Why in the world does Idaho need such a thing? The answer is… we don’t. Then there is the conversation that should be had about combining agencies with like missions and responsibilities where possible. All these sorts of things can and should be seriously considered if not done to shrink the size of Idaho’s government.

Issue 2

Woke, Neo-Marxism aims to shape the world into ITS image by means of a collective-oriented, totalitarian government. The LGBTQ movement has its roots in fighting discrimination. Fair enough. Ours is a system of equal justice under the law. The Woke are doing everything they can to “fundamentally transform” America. And I believe their oppressive objectives include trashing Christianity and Christian morality (ie, our holding of what is good and real and right.) dramatically diminishing the critical value of traditional family, and worst of all sacrificing the innocence and well- What our government does or fails to do in response to being pressured by these radical idealogues is a cause for concern, to say the least. If elected, I will do nothing less than work with the God-fearing, actual conservatives in the Statehouse to push back against the woke agenda and strengthen our laws to remain true to our values.

Issue 3

One of the most disturbing trends against the liberty of Idahoans is “Federal Money”. That is money that the Feds “send back” to Idaho – usually with strings attached. The 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The Feds have obviously figured out that offering money to the states is a way of influencing what, why, and how States do things. I believe much of this Federal money is simply aimed at doing an end-run around the 10th Amendment. And the statists in Boise have willingly opened the door to this. Idaho’s entire budget is more than $13.9 billion. Of that amount, 40% ($5.5 billion) is Federal money. Anyone else see a problem that needs fixing?

Integrity in Affiliation

Submission: Yes
“I have read the Idaho Constitution and the Idaho Republican Party Platform. I support the Idaho Republican Platform and accept it as the standard by which my performance as a candidate and as an officeholder should be evaluated. I certify that I am not a candidate, officer, delegate or position holder in any party other than the Republican Party.”

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