State Representative Legislative District 31 Seat A
Biography and Background
My wife of 45 years (Cheri) and I are parents of 6 married children and grandparents of 24.
I am a fourth generation Idahoan who owns and operates a livestock enterprise in Menan.
We have had many leadership opportunities in our local church and community. I am a former county commissioner and past president of the Idaho Cattle Association.
Our passion and most valued resource is our family. We believe that family is the very basis of a stable society. We want Idaho to be great for our grandchildren, and yours.
We value our natural resources and want our public lands to be available for multiple uses to benefit future generations.
We must protect Idaho’s water for the beneficial use of Idahoan’s.
Top 3 Issues
Issue 1
Protect family values and work to keep mind altering drugs from our society if not prescribed by a physician.
Protect the lives of the un-born.
Protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
Properly fund education for the benefit of our youth and future generations.
Issue 2
Protect and enhance our natural resources, including water.
This would include managed mining, logging, explanding water storage capabilities and aquifer recharge.
Issue 3
Tax reform. Idaho’s tax law is very complicated.
Property taxes have become very burdensome to home/property owners.
Although property tax is a local tax to satisfy a local need, state government needs to evaluate its guidlines and find relief mechanisms without hindering local control.