Biography and Background
Jeff Ehlers is a 6th generation Idaho. He grew up in Eastern Idaho working
on a potato farm and also for his dad’s small business. Ehlers earned
bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting from Brigham Young
University in 2008 and a master’s degree in business administration from
the University of Utah in 2013. He currently operates his own CFO &
accounting firm. He and his wife, Karla, have 4 young children.
Top 3 Issues
Issue 1
Fiscal Responsibility.
Taxes should be lower. I am passionate about finding ways to cut government spending and maximize efficiency to put more of your money back in your pocket.
Issue 2
Constitutional Rights and Conservative Values.
One of the things that makes Idaho so great is the conservative values we honor and defend. I
believe in limited government that upholds the Constitution as it was intended by its inspired Framers. I believe the government closest to the people is generally best.
Issue 3
Transparency in Government
One of the keys to cutting wasteful government spending is to have a clear picture of how your tax dollars are being used. That’s why I supported and fought for the new budgeting process that shines greater light on the budgets and spending of government agencies. Additionally, I was a lead sponsor of HB708, a bill to rein in government agencies and bring accountability, transparency and protection of your taxpayer dollars that have been unfairly shielded from public view. I will always defend your right, as a taxpayer, to know how your tax dollars are being spent.
Integrity in Affiliation
Submission: Yes
“I have read the Idaho Constitution and the Idaho Republican Party Platform. Except for the provisions specifically noted below, I support the Idaho Republican Party Platform and accept it as the standard by which my performance as a candidate and as an officeholder should be evaluated. I certify that I am not a candidate, officer, delegate or position holder in any party other than the Republican Party.”
Article 1.3.C Prefer not to repeal the 17th Amendment.
Article XIV.3.A I support the Idaho Chooses Life position.
Article XIV.3.A I support the Idaho Chooses Life position.