Biography and Background

Bryan was born and raised in Idaho. He graduated from Brigham Young University and graduated from law school. He’s a successful Idaho Falls businessman and lawyer. In 2020, he served as a delegate for President Donald J. Trump at the Republican National Convention, and he’s a Trump delegate again for the July 2024 Republican National Convention where he’ll proudly cast his vote for President Donald J. Trump. He and his wife of 40 years, Sharon, have five amazing children and eight even more amazing grandchildren. Bryan isn’t a career politician. He is a political outsider who will fight for our conservative values in Boise.

Top 3 Issues

Issue 1

Secure Our Nation’s Borders – The Biden Administration’s insane border policies have created a border crisis. Although Idaho can’t force the federal government into building the wall, Idaho can ensure that it’s not a magnet for people entering our country illegally. That’s why I oppose sanctuary cities, free healthcare, free education, and driver’s licenses to anyone entering our country illegally.

Issue 2

Repeal the Grocery Tax – I support lowering taxes by repealing the grocery sales tax. This is especially important in this high-inflation Biden economy. Grocery costs are through the roof and repealing the 6% grocery tax will help all Idahoans. Many people don’t realize that only eight states tax groceries, and Idaho is one of those states. Even California and Massachusetts don’t tax groceries. A state that taxes a person’s food is spending too much money!

Issue 3

Educational Freedom – I believe in education choice to empower parents and families. This means that money for education should follow the student, and the parents should decide where their children go to school. I trust parents and families to make the best decisions for their children’s education, not government bureaucrats. The parents should choose whether to place their children in government, private, or home schools.

Integrity in Affiliation

Submission: Yes
“I have read the Idaho Constitution and the Idaho Republican Party Platform. I support the Idaho Republican Platform and accept it as the standard by which my performance as a candidate and as an officeholder should be evaluated. I certify that I am not a candidate, officer, delegate or position holder in any party other than the Republican Party.”

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