Biography and Background
– I am happily married with four children here in Idaho Falls.
– A left-coast political refugee, I moved East Idaho with my family because Idaho Falls struck us as a great place to live and raise a family. And it is!
– Our two youngest were born here, the the two eldest in Germany. We do a combination of homeschool and charter.
– I’ve got a technical, legal and entrepreneurial background.
– Grew up in northern California.
– I spent much of my adulthood working in Europe and around the U.S. Living and working in so many places, I’ve seen not only the very Republican State (think Reagan) of my childhood go nuts, but I’ve had the chance to see a lot of different systems and ways of business to see what does and doesn’t work. (Socialism and crony capitalism produce pretty mediocre results.)
– I love to solve problems. I’m an entrepreneur. I’m intellectually curious. I appreciate different viewpoints. I understand the scientific method is not about consensus, but in fact thrives on debate, just like democracy.
– I have worked on many political campaigns. There has been a common theme throughout these campaigns of promoting peace and liberty, border security, and the beauty of the Constitution and the free market.
– And of course I ran for Senate and can only say that I was grateful for so much support.
Top 3 Issues
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Integrity in Affiliation
Re: Art. VI. Sec. 4. – One thing that makes Idaho great is unfettered wilderness. Not every roadless area needs to be developed.
Re; Art XIV. Sec. 3 – I’m not necessarily opposed to abortion bans but I would like to see Republicans support exceptions for victims of rape or incest and the life of the mother, and not automatically criminalizing women who get abortions as murderers.