Biography and Background
For the last sixteen years I have had the privilege of serving the citizens of District 13 in the Idaho Legislature, When I first ran for this seat, I promised to protect your family, freedom, and finances, a promise which I have kept over the last 16 years. While in the Legislature, I passed into law a Woman’s Right to View Act, which gave a women the right to view an ultrasound of her baby if they wished. I passed the Fetal Pain Bill which prohibits any abortions after 20 weeks old, because at that point the baby can feel pain. In addition to this, I also took part in the effort to persuade Congress to pass the Parental Rights Amendment, which ensures that the parents of a child will have the first say in matters regarding their child. I co-sponsored and supported the Nullification Bill, which would have prohibited the enforcement of Obamacare in the state of Idaho. I feel strongly that the Federal government is overreaching its Constitutional authority and I have fought throughout my time in the Legislature to limit their power and keep Idaho free from Federal control. I co-sponsored a bill to help eliminate the Personal Property Tax in the state of Idaho, thereby easing the burden that this tax places upon business owners. I helped pass House Bill 563, which lowered the personal income tax for all individuals who make over $20,000. I co sponsored legislation to prohibit anyone under the age of 18 from getting a sex change surgery. During my time in the Legislature, Idaho has had a balanced budget, put money into a rainy day fund for our schools, and has lowered the income tax for both individuals and corporations. As you can see, I have stood by the promise I made to you the voters. I have diligently worked to protect Idaho families and to uphold traditional values. I have been at the forefront of the fight to keep Idaho free from an overreaching Federal Government. Finally, I have labored to always protect your finances. I have helped pass two bills that reduced our income tax by over 1 billion dollars. I would appreciate your vote on Election Day . Thank you for allowing me to serve the citizens of District 13 in the Idaho House of Representatives.
Top 3 Issues
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Integrity in Affiliation